Bhajan Maestro Anoop Jalota was recently in Bhubaneswar. In a candid interview to Manish Kumar, the sexagenarian touched upon several issues ranging from his love for Orissa to the trend of reality shows. Excerpts from the interview published in Orissa Post.
1. We have heard that you have visited Orissa several times. What exactly comes to your mind when you land to this state?
Anoop: I have visited Orissa more than 50 times. This state fascinates me. The moment I land here, I am always greeted with numerous paintings and sculptures. From airport to hotel, I get a glimpse of several paintings and sculptures on around the wall. Bhubaneswar for me is like a painting city. It gives an impression as if somebody is visiting an art exhibition. This state is rich in cultural heritage.
2. How you find the culture, art in this part of eastern India?
Anoop: Its amazing. The whole part of the state is enriched with culture and tradition. The rich tradition of the state could be traced by the existing marvelous tourists place which tells about the history of the ancient land. Places like Jagannath Puri is a major attraction even in different parts of the country. The state is beautiful, full of scenic beauty and filled with spirituality. The ambience in different parts of the state reckons religion.
3. Did you decide to make career in Bhajan singing since childhood or the passion developed later?
Anoop: During childhood, I was trained in classical singing. And I believe, classical singing is the gateway to Bhajans. Soon I was inclined to Bhajan singing. At the age of seven, I started to devote a good time in Bhajan singing and then never looked back. The voyage continued and still I am on the same track without any deviation.
4. Did you ever try to experiment with your style of singing. Ever tried for playback singing for Bollywood?
Anoop: Never. I never got tilted towards commercial cinemas and playback singing. Bhajan singing always fascinated me. It kept me near to the almighty. I get a great satisfaction in my work. I believe this is the path towards purity. I never had for a moment had a second thought relating to modifying my style. The Bhajan marg always propelled me to stick to what I was doing.
5. Do you think the era of 90's has changed when people even singers were so much interested into Bhajans?
Anoop: No. Bhajans are an integral part of Indian culture. Nothing can replace it. It is still relevant as it was two decades ago. Ours is a country where people love to pray. People love to sing prayers in praise of God. Nobody can detach people from their faith. Bhajans are all-time favourite for devotees and people of all age groups.
6. What are your future plans? Any new thing in store?
Anoop: Many new Bhajan songs and classical songs are in the line where I have been working. Soon many new entities will come to the market for listeners. However, I will stick to Bhajan and classical singing. No plans to change my style or type in near future.
7. Do you think singers now have an upper hand due to reality shows?
Anoop: There are no shortcuts to success. I have seen many people coming out as winners through these talent shows and soon getting blurred. Many young talented singers who got fame from these institutions soon became arrogant and failed to prove their talent. A short term popularity for artists will never fetch them good results. It is only a consistent hard work which will make them star in future.
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